Monday, March 1, 2010

Hi, and welcome to my blog! Are you ready for more vampire tales? Let me introduce you to the undead of Savannah with my gritty, urban fantasy/dark paranormal romance debut novel, AFTERLIGHT, the first book in my new series, The Dark Ink Chronicles. Check out my website at for a glimpse at the characters, their bios, and a few eerie pics from Savannah, GA. AFTERLIGHT releases this November, so between now and then I'll be running contests, introducing you to my heroine, Riley Poe, and the dead-sexy vampire she encounters, Eli Dupre, and just chatting up the series in general! Again, WELCOME! Check back as there's more to come!


  1. What a lovely web site Elle! Good luck with the three books. Will look forward to Afterlight!

  2. I love the layout of your blog, very atmospheric. I can hardly wait for your new books as I know they will be rich in atmosphere and full of colorful characters, your hallmarks.

  3. Nice website and blog Elle!! Can't wait to read your book. I just love the cover. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  4. Hi!! I love the cover art for Afterlight! It sounds amazing. I'll be getting it for sure!
